2025年1月9日 星期四


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2024年12月26日 星期四


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2024年12月22日 星期日



1. 預測健康狀況與壽命


2. 改善平衡與預防跌倒


3. 增加骨質密度


4. 評估腦部健康


5. 簡單易行的訓練方式




  1. 肌肉力量或柔軟度不平衡

  2. 關節或結構問題

  3. 神經系統影響

  4. 生活習慣或運動模式

  5. 老化與健康狀況



1. 基礎平衡訓練


  • 單腳站立
    • 每天練習在每隻腳上站立 20–30 秒,逐漸延長時間。
    • 開始時可用手輕輕扶著牆或椅背,隨著穩定性提升,嘗試在不扶持的情況下完成。
  • 閉眼單腳站立
    • 當普通單腳站立變得輕鬆時,試著閉上眼睛練習,這能挑戰你的前庭系統和平衡感。

2. 加入動態元素


  • 單腳站立踢腿
    • 單腳站立時,用另一隻腳緩慢向前、向側、向後踢腿,保持核心穩定。
  • 平衡墊訓練
    • 使用平衡墊或瑜伽墊增加不穩定性,站在上面做單腳站立。

3. 核心強化訓練


  • 平板支撐(Plank)
    • 身體呈直線,雙肘撐地保持 20–60 秒。
  • 鳥狗式(Bird Dog)
    • 四肢著地,伸出對側的手臂與腿,保持穩定 5–10 秒,然後交換另一側。

4. 下肢力量訓練


  • 深蹲(Squat)
    • 雙腳分開與肩同寬,緩慢下蹲至大腿與地面平行,然後站起來。
  • 弓箭步(Lunges)
    • 一腳向前跨步,身體下沉至後膝幾乎觸地,然後回到站姿。

5. 神經協調訓練


  • 交叉拍手練習
    • 單腳站立,交替用左手拍右膝、右手拍左膝。
  • 步行訓練
    • 嘗試在直線上踮腳走路或倒退走路,集中注意力於每一步的穩定性。

6. 放鬆與伸展


  • 腿後肌群伸展
    • 面向牆站立,一腳向後伸,保持後腳跟著地,拉伸小腿肌肉。
  • 髖關節伸展
    • 仰躺,將一條腿跨過另一條,雙手抱住大腿背部,輕輕向胸前拉。




專為中高齡設計的強膝健骨養生功【暢銷增訂版】:國家級教練教你一日10分鐘,關節不退化、骨質不疏鬆、肌肉不萎縮(附示範影片QR code)是由國家級教練設計的健康指南,重點在保護膝關節與增強骨骼健康。書中提供每日10分鐘的簡單鍛鍊,並附有示範影片,適合希望延緩退化的中高齡讀者。


#單腳站立 #平衡訓練 #健康生活 #強健體魄 #運動養生 #提升壽命 #簡單健身技巧

2024年12月21日 星期六

The Health Benefits of Maintaining Friendships Beyond Fifty

    Maintaining strong social connections after age 50 is not merely a social preference but a critical component of health and longevity.

    Research from the University of Michigan’s National Poll on Healthy Aging indicates that while the vast majority of adults over 50 have at least one close friend, those experiencing poor mental or physical health are notably more likely to lack these vital connections.

    For example, about one in five individuals with fair or poor mental health have no close friends—a rate that is twice as high as the overall population. Similarly, nearly two out of ten older adults with fair or poor physical health report having no close friends.

    The implications of these findings are profound. Strong social connections encourage healthier choices, provide emotional support, and help older adults navigate health challenges. Conversely, the absence of such relationships can increase isolation, exacerbating health issues and creating a detrimental cycle. As Lenard W. Kaye and Cliff Singer emphasize in Social Isolation of Older Adults: Strategies to Bolster Health and Well-Being, maintaining friendships is not just a personal priority but a public health imperative.

    Gender and age also play roles in friendship dynamics. Men are more likely than women to report having no close friends, and adults aged 50 to 64 are more likely to lack close friendships compared to those 65 and older. This challenges the assumption that social isolation increases with age, suggesting that younger seniors may be at higher risk. 

    Marissa King, in Social Chemistry: Decoding the Patterns of Human Connection, highlights how diverse social networks can mitigate such risks by fostering stronger support systems.

    The ways older adults stay connected are diverse. In the month preceding the survey, a large majority had in-person contact with close friends, while similar numbers connected over the phone or through text messages. 

    This adaptability demonstrates their willingness to embrace various communication methods to maintain relationships. Tools like those developed by Visible Network Labs can further support these connections by analyzing and strengthening social ties.

    The benefits of maintaining friendships in later life are well-documented. Studies show that older adults report better moods when they are with friends than when they are alone or with other social partners throughout the day. Additionally, strong social ties have been linked to lower blood pressure, enhanced immune system function, and reduced inflammation.

    However, making and maintaining friendships can become more challenging with age, especially for those facing health issues. Among individuals with fair or poor mental health, nearly two-thirds find it harder to make new friends now than when they were younger. This contrasts with fewer than half of the overall population. 

    Similarly, slightly more than six out of ten individuals with fair or poor mental health find it harder to maintain existing friendships, compared to roughly one-third of the general over-50 population. The challenges of forging and sustaining connections, as depicted in James McBride’s The Color of Water, underscore the importance of resilience and effort in preserving social bonds.

    Despite these difficulties, there is a strong desire among older adults to form new friendships. About three-quarters express interest in developing new connections, some enthusiastic and others somewhat interested. This interest is extreme among those who live alone and those who report feeling lonely, highlighting the critical role of social connections in enhancing quality of life.

    In conclusion, fostering and maintaining friendships beyond the age of 50 is essential for both mental and physical health. As health challenges can impede the ability to sustain these relationships, proactive efforts from individuals, communities, and healthcare providers are crucial in supporting social connections among older adults. 

    By understanding and applying strategies from resources like Social Isolation of Older Adults and Social Chemistry, and leveraging tools such as those from Visible Network Labs, we can collectively work to combat social isolation and promote well-being in later life.

    #HealthyAging #SeniorWellbeing #SocialConnections #FriendshipMatters #MentalHealth

Suggested Reading:

Friendship after 50: Why social support becomes a matter of life and death

#HealthyAging #SeniorWellbeing #SocialConnections #FriendshipMatters #MentalHealth

2024年12月15日 星期日



根據《JAMA Health Forum》期刊發表的研究,美國的肥胖率2023年出現十年來首次下降。這項令人鼓舞的趨勢,出現在GLP-1受體激動劑(如減重藥物Wegovy)的使用日益普及之際。

Weight Loss Drugs Like Wegovy May Be Turning the Tide on U.S. Obesity Rates

U.S. Obesity Rates Decline in 2023: A Promising Shift Amid Rising Weight Loss Drug Use

For the first time in over a decade, U.S. obesity rates saw a slight decline in 2023, according to a study published in the journal JAMA Health Forum. This encouraging development comes amid the growing popularity of GLP-1 receptor agonists, such as the weight loss drug Wegovy.

Study Insights

The study, led by Ben Rader of Boston Children’s Hospital and Harvard Medical School, analyzed data from over 16.7 million American adults from 2013 to 2023. Researchers observed that the average Body Mass Index (BMI) steadily increased from 2013 through 2021, plateaued in 2022, and dropped slightly in 2023.

The obesity prevalence rate declined from 44.11% in 2022 to 43.96% in 2023 — a modest but significant change. Rader described the decline as a “change in trend,” noting that even a small reduction could translate into meaningful health improvements for millions of Americans.

The Role of Weight Loss Medications

The researchers attributed this dip in part to the increased use of GLP-1 receptor agonists like Wegovy, a drug originally developed for diabetes management. The study highlighted that prescriptions for these medications have surged in recent years, potentially driving the overall decline in obesity rates.

Broader Implications

While the exact impact of these medications on national obesity levels requires further study, the data suggests a positive shift. Rader emphasized that individual success stories linked to weight loss drugs may be starting to influence broader public health trends.

“People are taking these drugs, and they’re working at an individual level. And we wanted to see if this individual change actually translates to a population change.” Rader said. “What we found is it does, or we think it does.

The GLP-1 Lifestyle: Transform Your Metabolism & Achieve Lasting Weight Loss with or without Semaglutide explores how GLP-1 receptor agonists like Semaglutide can aid in weight loss. It combines scientific insights with practical lifestyle advice, such as nutrition and exercise tips, to support long-term health improvements.

The Ozempic Revolution: A Doctor’s Proven Plan for Success to Help You Reverse Obesity, written by a medical professional, delves into the transformative potential of GLP-1 medications like Ozempic for treating obesity and diabetes. It includes personalized strategies for achieving sustainable health changes.

Fast, Feast & Flourish: The Comprehensive Guide to Using GLP-1 Medications and Peptides in a Strategic Format that Allows You to Wean Off the Meds and Successfully Maintain Your Weight Loss emphasizes the strategic use of GLP-1 medications to facilitate weight loss and long-term maintenance. It focuses on a holistic approach that balances medical treatment with lifestyle adjustments.

The GLP-1 Weight Loss Dilemma: Why These Breakthrough Medications Don't Work for Everyone and What to Do About It highlights both the benefits and challenges of GLP-1-based weight loss medications. It addresses reasons why some patients might not experience expected results, offering solutions and alternative strategies.

OZEMPIC: Risks, Benefits, and Natural Alternatives examines the pros and cons of GLP-1 medications while exploring natural alternatives. It provides a critical perspective on the growing popularity of such treatments in the media and medical community.

#USObesityTrends #HealthMilestone #WeightLossDrugs #WegovyImpact #HealthBreakthrough #GLP1ReceptorAgonists #HealthyAmerica

2024年12月8日 星期日




Dark Chocolate and Diabetes: Science Reveals a Surprising Link

Dark Chocolate and Diabetes: A Sweet Solution for Health?

Dark chocolate has long been celebrated for its rich flavor and potential health benefits, but recent studies are shining a spotlight on its role in reducing the risk of type 2 diabetes. New research suggests that consuming moderate amounts of dark chocolate may offer surprising protective effects against this common metabolic disorder.

2013年12月15日 星期日



2013-12-15  雜談樂分享

  1. 煮排骨湯時加一小匙醋,可使骨頭中的磷、鈣溶解于湯中,並可保存湯中的維生素。而放入幾塊新鮮橘皮,不僅味道鮮美,還可減少油膩感。

  2. 為了使牛肉燉得快、燉得爛,加一小撮茶葉(約為泡一壺茶的量,用紗布包好)同煮,肉很快就爛且味道鮮美。

  3. 將綠豆在鐵鍋中炒10分鐘再煮能很快煮爛,但注意不要炒焦。

  4. 要因料調味,新鮮的雞、魚、蝦和蔬菜等,其本身具有特殊鮮味,調味不應過量,以免掩蓋天然的鮮美滋味。腥膻氣味較重的原料,如不鮮的魚、蝦、牛羊肉及內臟類,調味時應酌量多加些去腥解膩的調味品,諸如料酒、醋、糖、蔥、薑、蒜等,以便減惡味增鮮味。

  5. 除了挑選好食材,更要選擇優質調料,如果原料好而調料不佳或調料投放不當,都將影響菜肴風味。優質調料還有一個含義,就是烹製什麼地方的菜肴,應當用該地的食材,這樣才能使菜肴風味足具。比如水煮肉,就要用四川郫縣的豆瓣醬和漢原的花椒做出來的味道就非常正宗。當然,條件有限的話,也沒必要一定難為自己。

  6. 河魚有土腥味,煮魚前,把魚放在米酒中或牛奶中浸泡片刻,也可以用紅葡萄酒或啤酒醃一下,就能消除腥味。薑等調料,既能調味,又能解腥。

  7. 煎荷包蛋時,在平底鍋放足油,油微熱時蛋下鍋,雞蛋慢慢變熟,外觀美,不粘鍋,在蛋黃即將凝固之際澆一點冷開水,會使蛋黃又黃又嫩。

  8. 炒雞蛋前加入少量砂糖,會使蛋白質變性的凝固溫度上升,從而延緩了加熱時間,加上砂糖具有保水性,因而可使蛋製品變得蓬鬆柔軟,此外加入幾滴醋,炒出的雞蛋會更加鬆軟味香。

  9. 煮蛋時水里加點醋可防蛋殼裂開,事先加點鹽也可。

  10. 炒土豆時加醋,可避免燒焦,又可分解土豆中的毒素,並使色味相宜。但如果是炸土豆片,則先將切好的土豆片放在水裡煮一會兒,使土豆片表面形成一層薄薄的膠質層,然後再用油炸。

  11. 煮水餃時,在水裡放一顆大蔥或在水開後加點鹽,再放餃子,餃子味道鮮美不粘連;在和麵時,每500克麵粉加拌一個雞蛋,餃子皮挺括不粘連。

  12. 男人下酒菜愛吃的花生米用油炸熟,盛入盤中,趁熱撒上少許白酒,稍涼後再撒上少許食鹽,放置幾天幾夜都酥脆如初。

  13. 煮麵條時加一小湯匙食油,麵條不會粘連,並可防止麵湯起泡沫、溢出鍋外。如在鍋中加少許食鹽,煮出的麵條不易爛糊。

  14. 煮豬肚時,千萬不能先放鹽,等煮熟後吃時再放鹽,否則豬肚會縮得像牛筋一樣硬。

  15. 老雞、老鴨用猛火煮,肉硬不好吃;如果先用涼水和少許食醋泡上2小時,再用微火燉,肉就會變得香嫩可口。

  16. 炒茄子時,在鍋裡放點醋,炒出的茄子的顏色不會變黑。

  17. 炒肉時放鹽過早將熟得慢,宜在將熟時加鹽,在出鍋前再加上幾滴醋,肉質會神奇地變得鮮嫩可口。

  18. 不論做什麼糖醋菜肴,只要按2份糖1份醋的比例調配,是最佳甜酸度。此外,應先放糖,後放鹽,否則食鹽的"脫水"作用會促進菜肴中蛋白質凝固而""不僅糖分,造成外甜裡淡。

  19. 做饅頭時,如果在發麵裡糅進一小塊豬油,蒸出來的饅頭不僅潔白、鬆軟,而且味香。

  20. 將少量明礬和食鹽放入清水中,把切開的生紅薯進入十幾分鐘,洗淨後蒸煮,可防止或減輕腹脹。

  21. 放有辣椒的菜太辣時或炒辣椒時加點醋,辣味大減,放入一隻雞蛋同炒也能達到同樣效果。

  22. 湯太膩,將少量紫菜在火上烤一下,然後撒入湯中。

  23. 當鍋內溫度達到最高時加入料酒,易使酒蒸發而去除食物中的腥味。

  24. 菜籽油有一股異味,可把油燒熱後投入適量生薑、蒜、蔥、丁香、陳皮同炸片刻,油即可變香

請選擇, 美食特攻隊, 廚房智慧王, 美食風味館, 家庭烹飪誌, 料理秘笈, 實用烘焙講堂 
... 廚房必備食譜, 飲食保健事典, 手作雜貨Zakka Diy, 健康生活館, 超值美味精選 ...

2006年8月5日 ... 本書用圖文並茂、和條列式的呈現方式,將廚房中的秘訣與讀者分享。無論是烹飪上
的訣竅,調味知識,飲食和健康的關連,飲食基礎功夫──從食材 ...

從 Evernote 傳送記事

2013年3月28日 星期四





  • 寒多祿 回覆刪除
    吃好睡好,健身之寶。飽吃不如餓睡。吃肉不如養肉。吃一斤,不如睡一更。一夜吃食,不如一夜歇力。吃一日筵席,不如睡一日眠席。無錢買補藥,天天早睡覺。 -摘自女人的五大“養血法”
  • 書房長工
  • minjen 
    嗯…嗯…謝謝分享…午安 (worship)
  • 花橘子 
    不該用的就是浪費~要節能滅碳啦 (wave)
  • Bepheny 
    是喔! (woot)我常這樣耶! (griltongue)

2007年5月28日 ... 手機(cell)與地獄(hell)一詞押韻,其來有自…… 想活命?千萬…不要…打手機! 【